Archive for November, 2008


11.29.08-Giving Thanks

November 29, 2008

1 Timothy 4:4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. On this program, in light of Thanskgiving, Dr. Dan offers reason and example, why we should be thankful in all things.


11.22.08- Christian Counseling

November 22, 2008

Dr. Dan and Mike Corley are joined in studio by Christian counselor Edward Clarke as they discuss the basis, motivations and need for qualified, bible-centered counseling.


11.15.08-Recapping Election ’08

November 15, 2008

With one of the most exhausting campaigns in American history over, Dr. Dan offers insight and commentary on the results and what we can expect from the Obama administration and how to pray for our new president as well.