Archive for December, 2008


12.27.08-The Incarnation

December 27, 2008

The biblical teaching regarding the incarnation of Christ and the person of the Mediator is awe-inspiring. This doctrine amazes us not simply because it is mysterious and somewhat beyond human comprehension, but because there is a sense in which the hypostatic union of the two natures in Christ is the greatest miracle in Scripture. in this special Christmas installment of On Call, Dr. Dan and Mike discuss how in order to save us God had to become man. The Son assumed a genuine human nature in order to: perfectly obey God’s law (in order to fulfill the covenant of works), suffer and die on the cross as a vicarious atonement and rise again victorious over Satan, sin and death.


12.20.08-Holiday Traveling

December 20, 2008

Holiday season also means that most families go for vacationing at this time of the year. It is the peak travel season all over the world. Besides, glittering lights, shopping discounts and festivities, shopping mall Santas and dangling mistletoe, other things that you should be prepare for are traffic jams, flight delays, packing problems, lost luggage and other traveling woes. Dr. Dan offers some tips to avoid or face some of the most common holiday travel season problems.


12.06.08-House Call Friday

December 6, 2008

On this all new program, its a House Call Friday and Dr. Dan addresses questions from listeners on such subjects as:

  • Strep throat
  • Help to quit smoking
  • Helping a wife deal with PMS 
  • Is it okay for Christians to particpate in Yoga

Do you have a question for Dr. Dan? Send it in and he will answer it on the program.

CLICK HERE and send your question NOW!