Archive for January, 2009


01.31.09-Where is the economy going?

January 30, 2009

Where have we been, we are we going and how do we get there? These are some of the general questions people are asking today when it comes to the economy and especially in reference to healthcare. What were the victories and defeats of the Bush adminstration? Will President Obama be able to do any better? What is his stimulus plan all about? Get the answers from Dr. Dan on this weeks program.


01.17.09-When should you stay home sick?

January 16, 2009

How sick is too sick to go to work or school or just to get out of the house? Many people for many reasons, just jump into their day-to-day functions regardless of the possibilty of making others sick too. On this program, Dr. Dan talks about when is sick too sick, when to stay home and what preventive measures can we all take to possibly avoid getting colds and flus.


01.10.09-Predictions & Prognostications

January 9, 2009

Its Dr. Dan’s annual Predictions & Prognostications program,  where we review the good doctors thoughts on the previous year and look ahead at things to watch for in the new year. This year, issues discussed include healthcare reform, life issues, obesity, primary care shortage and a lot more.


01.03.09-The Top Stories of 2008

January 1, 2009

The promise of health care reform in the Obama administration; the medical mystery of cholesterol drugs; can vaccines cause Autism?; plus staying hopeful in todays challenging times; these are some of the topics Dr. Dan Edney discusses in this weeks program as he takes a look back at the top medical and health stories of 2008.