Archive for the ‘Barack Obama’ Category


Obama and Life Issues

July 5, 2010

The sanctity of human life..

Sanctity of human life issues are in the news again and this week Dr. Dan examines the topic of embryonic stem cell research and the Obama administrations move to provide federal dollars for the research.

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Obamacare now the law!

March 29, 2010

Dr. Edney and Mike Corley discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of the new healthcare reform law.

Plus, Dr. Dan gives his report on his second medical missions trip to Haiti.

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House Call Q&A

March 1, 2010

Dr. Edney answers listener questions, plus the latest on Obamacare.

Send your questions in now!

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06.27.09 Obama Address to AMA

June 26, 2009

Health care reform should mean all Americans can get coverage while allowing doctors to heal patients instead of being bureaucrats,those were the words of the President as he called on AMA delegates to join him reforming American healthcare, President Obama spoke before the 2009 House of Delegates, sharing his vision for healthcare for all citizens. Dr. Dan Edney was there in Chicago for the Presidents speech and offers his first-hand analysis.

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03.21.09-Medical Futility

March 21, 2009

On this weeks program, Dr. Dan examines the issue of medical futility, the concept of dealing with conflicts about treatment decisions, defining a very narrow window through which the clinician may unilaterally withhold or withdraw treatment deemed to be futile. Also, Dr. Edney offers perspective on the recent move by President Obama to lift the ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.


02.15.09-House Call

February 15, 2009

On this all new program, its a Listener House Call and Dr. Dan addresses questions from listeners on such subjects as:

  • Dealing childrens allergies
  • What helps to treat indigestion?
  • What can a parent do to deal with an angry child? 
  • What harm can anabolic streiods do? 
  • What is MS and hwo is it diagnosed?

Do you have a question for Dr. Dan? Send it in and he will answer it on the program.

CLICK HERE and send your question NOW!


02.07.2009-SCHIPS and Healthcare

February 7, 2009

President Obamas $33 billion bill SCHIPS expansion bill is now law. What is SCHIPS, who qualifies for this public health program and what is the historical significance of this expansion? On this program Dr. Edney examines the health-care plan for children, its cost and what effect it will have on future healthcare reform.  Also, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer diagnosis and the in and out of HHS nominee Tom Daschle.


01.31.09-Where is the economy going?

January 30, 2009

Where have we been, we are we going and how do we get there? These are some of the general questions people are asking today when it comes to the economy and especially in reference to healthcare. What were the victories and defeats of the Bush adminstration? Will President Obama be able to do any better? What is his stimulus plan all about? Get the answers from Dr. Dan on this weeks program.