Archive for the ‘Easter’ Category


The Passion of the Lord

April 5, 2010

In this classic program Dr. Edney examines the sacrifice and atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection.

Dr. Dan and Mike are joined by Pastor Dwight Sibley.

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04.11.09-The Cross of Christ

April 11, 2009

The perception of the death of Jesus Christ in the twenty-first century frequently takes place through human eyes that have been tainted with a sanitized, sterilized, and often stylized “art-deco” depiction of Christ on the cross. Today, it is exceedingly uncommon to hear a description of the medical details attending Christ’s crucifixion, yet a complete and thorough investigation into such evidence can lead to a firmer knowledge and a deeper-rooted faith about what actually transpired on that old rugged cross nearly 2,000 years ago. In this classic program, Dr. Edney examines the physical and spiritual nature of the death of Christ on the cross.