Archive for the ‘Medicare/Medicaid’ Category


AMA, Medicare and patient care

June 28, 2010

Medicare and patients furture

Having recently attended the annual meeting of the American Medical Association, Dr. Edney shares the organizations perspective on important issues, including Medicare and the cost to doctors and patients.

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02.07.2009-SCHIPS and Healthcare

February 7, 2009

President Obamas $33 billion bill SCHIPS expansion bill is now law. What is SCHIPS, who qualifies for this public health program and what is the historical significance of this expansion? On this program Dr. Edney examines the health-care plan for children, its cost and what effect it will have on future healthcare reform.  Also, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer diagnosis and the in and out of HHS nominee Tom Daschle.


8.22.08 Hour 1-Weeks News in Review

August 22, 2008

In this program, the topic is the Rick Warren interviews with presidential candidates Barak Obama and John McCain during the recent Saddleback Forum in Lake Forest, CA. Sharing audio clips from the presumptive nominees comments, Dr. Edney examines the candidates position on subjects such as abortion and the santity of life, ethics, and of course healthcare. 


8.8.08 Hour 1-News of the Week

August 8, 2008

Dr. Dan comments on news items of the past week, including:

  • Tyson chicken recall 
  • Vytorin cancer concerns 
  • Michael Jones gives update on pharmacy issues 


8.1.08 Hour 1-News of the Week

August 1, 2008

Dr. Dan comments on news items of the past week, including:

  • McCain/Obama healthcare policies 
  • Update on partial birth abortion laws 
  • FDA regulation of tobacco 


May 2, 2008 Hour 1- Week’s News in Review

May 2, 2008

The Week’s News in Review

Dr. Dan comments on news items of the past week, including:

  • Hillary Clinton’s recent interview with Bill O’Reilly
  • Medicare a total failure?
  • One in four Americans have daily pain
  • People sharing prescription medication