Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


December 5, 2009

A Review of the Weeks News

Conflicting cost figures of healthcare reform…NIH Approves 13 Embryonic Stem Cell Lines for Harvesting…Remembering Dr. Ed Thompson…and more

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August 22, 2009

Town Hall on Healthcare Reform

Held at First Baptist Church, Vicksburg, MS with Dr. Edney and Dr. Randy Easterling

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02.07.2009-SCHIPS and Healthcare

February 7, 2009

President Obamas $33 billion bill SCHIPS expansion bill is now law. What is SCHIPS, who qualifies for this public health program and what is the historical significance of this expansion? On this program Dr. Edney examines the health-care plan for children, its cost and what effect it will have on future healthcare reform.  Also, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer diagnosis and the in and out of HHS nominee Tom Daschle.


01.31.09-Where is the economy going?

January 30, 2009

Where have we been, we are we going and how do we get there? These are some of the general questions people are asking today when it comes to the economy and especially in reference to healthcare. What were the victories and defeats of the Bush adminstration? Will President Obama be able to do any better? What is his stimulus plan all about? Get the answers from Dr. Dan on this weeks program.


01.03.09-The Top Stories of 2008

January 1, 2009

The promise of health care reform in the Obama administration; the medical mystery of cholesterol drugs; can vaccines cause Autism?; plus staying hopeful in todays challenging times; these are some of the topics Dr. Dan Edney discusses in this weeks program as he takes a look back at the top medical and health stories of 2008.


11.15.08-Recapping Election ’08

November 15, 2008

With one of the most exhausting campaigns in American history over, Dr. Dan offers insight and commentary on the results and what we can expect from the Obama administration and how to pray for our new president as well.


10.25.08-Preview of Election ’08

October 25, 2008

On this episode, Dr. Dan and Mike Corley review the upcoming national elections, the latest updates on the candidates, the issues and the effects on what the outcome will mean to Americans and their healthcare. 


8.29.08 Hour 1-Weeks news in review

August 29, 2008

Republican presidential nominee John McCain announced Aug. 29 that he has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his vice-presidential running mate. While the choice of Palin seems almost certainly an attempt to draw women voters from the ranks of Democrats, who is she and where does she stand onthe issues such as sanctity of human life and healthcare. 


May 9, 2008 Hour 1-Week’s News in Review

May 9, 2008

The Week’s News in Review

Dr. Dan comments on news items of the past week, including:

  • Myanmar death toll rising
  • Myanmar junta seizing relief supplies
  • Wal-Mart to sell 90-day prescriptions for $10
  • AMA works to advance e-prescribing
  • John McCain pledges conservative judges