Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category


01.10.09-Predictions & Prognostications

January 9, 2009

Its Dr. Dan’s annual Predictions & Prognostications program,  where we review the good doctors thoughts on the previous year and look ahead at things to watch for in the new year. This year, issues discussed include healthcare reform, life issues, obesity, primary care shortage and a lot more.


May 9, 2008 Hour 1-Week’s News in Review

May 9, 2008

The Week’s News in Review

Dr. Dan comments on news items of the past week, including:

  • Myanmar death toll rising
  • Myanmar junta seizing relief supplies
  • Wal-Mart to sell 90-day prescriptions for $10
  • AMA works to advance e-prescribing
  • John McCain pledges conservative judges